Thursday, November 4, 2010

Alas, Poor SCIFI, I knew him well...

While cruising through Facebook and catching up on the morning events there, I came across as post via the "Caprica Season 2" fan list which linked to an open letter to the Syfy network (the FB link sends you here which then links to the actual Syfy forum post here). When I first heard the news, I sent in my own "open letter" through their website feedback forms, but have not received a response - nor do I expect one.

This latest open letter is an excellent post, well thought out and presented. My own was a bit more emotional and negative, but I admit I can be rather emotional when I am passionate about my topic. I have been to $yfy's forums and read this letter, but I will not deign to register an account and reply. They can read what I have to say right here.

...if they even care, which I doubt.

I agree with the post and have already stopped watching any programming on $yfy. I watched one last show after the cancellation announcement, and I want those two hours back (Red, with Felicia Day, which was well hyped, but fell way short of entertaining).

I remember Dresden Files, and know it was cancelled quickly. I know Firefly was given just as much chance to succeed by Fox, and never did. Moonlight much the same.

And now, Caprica.

Stick a fork in me, I'm done. I have deselected $yfy from my tv's channels, and will no longer enjoy the few decent shows remaining, like Eureka, Warehouse13, and SGU. I do apologize to the hard working actors and crew of those three shows - they are an excellent example of what the SCIFI channel had to offer. Ever since they changed the network to $yfy though, they've continually gotten away from the original niche they had cultivated, instead pursuing the almighty buck. It is a shame, because I did enjoy those shows immensely; but why should I invest any more time into those shows, knowing they can be pulled and replaced with wrestling and reality tv shows?

Alas, poor SCIFI, I knew him well...

...but I have no idea who this $yfy is trying to replace him, other than a font of disappointment.

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